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Case Study

+26 points as first choice betting brand.

+19 pts

Brand favorability

+26 pts

My first choice betting brand (perception 18-34s)

+27 pts

Is a modern and inclusive brand (perception 18-34s)

+17 pts

Intent to bet with TAB 18-34s

The Challenge

Seen as a legacy brand rooted in racing, how can a partnership with News Corp drive salience amongst 18-34s as the preferred betting platform for all sports.

The Insight

Aussies are sports mad, it’s our favourite topic. The argument surrounding Australia’s national sport has been raging for centuries, it’s something we can never agree on.

The Idea
We initiated an unmissable debate about what is Australia’s national sport, taking this debate beyond the Sport Section and into the news cycle. We marked the end of the debate uniquely positioning TAB as being the ultimate authority to settle the matter once and for all and associating TAB with the tagline “Sport is our Sport”. We drove awareness and consideration, leveraging the race season to spotlight TAB’s rebrand amongst punters.

Products Used

For this campaign we executed through these mediums:





Key Stats

A Kantar brand lift study was used to measure the effectiveness of TAB’s FY24 brand relaunch campaign (excluding tease phase) in driving key brand KPIs as well as brand perceptions to build awareness & consideration amongst 18-34s, Sporting & Racing Fans.


+19 pts

Brand favorability


+26 pts

My first choice betting brand (perception 18-34s)

+27 pts

Is a modern and inclusive brand (perception 18-34s)


+17 pts

Intent to bet with TAB 18-34s

Brand KPIs

Aided Brand Awareness up +2 points (95% exposed vs. 93% control) Brand Favorability up +10 points (45% exposed vs. 35% control) Sits in top 20% of Kantar’s database for entertainment digital campaigns Intent up +8 points (46% exposed vs. 38% control).

Brand Perception KPIs

“Is modern and inclusive brand” up +14 points (48% exposed vs. 34% control) “Is on for all sports” up +10 points (55% exposed vs. 45% control) “Is constantly making betting better” up +12 points (41% exposed vs. 28% control) “Is a brand for people like me” up +15 points (48% exposed vs. 32% control) “Is my first choice betting brand” up +11 points (46% exposed vs. 35% control.

Creative Verbatim

HPTOs were “bold & eye catching” & “very visually catching” 30s horizontal video was “very easy to understand” & “clever”

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