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Case Study

+42% Purchase intent for Finish Ultimate Plus.


Average perception of Finish synonymous with food and home cooking


Perception as a superior brand for dishwasher products


Effectiveness in reaching dishwasher owners


Purchase intent for Finish Ultimate Plus

The Challenge

As an established dishwashing brand, Finish wanted to make the brand synonymous with food and cooking - the product that consumers need to clean dishes but also saves time so they can go back to eating.

The Insight

Cost of living has sees budgets impacted, and stress rising. Cooking at home is not only a source of potential savings but a time of comfort with our loved ones - the moments that matter. While we glorify the cook, we don’t celebrate the clean.

The Idea
By using the nation’s leading food brand, supported by our key parenting and news lifestyle channels, we celebrated the cook and clean with the nation’s food lovers. We showcased Finish’s value, efficiency and hygiene in a way to differentiate the brand in the category to keep them front of mind with the grocery buyer audience in Australia.

Products Used

For this campaign we executed through these mediums:





Key Stats

Achieved extremely high intent to purchase the newly released variant Finish Ultimate Plus with a 42% increase above the control group. 


Achieved extremely high relevance with 75% of those exposed to the campaign were dishwasher owners, showcasing that the News Corp Network is able to deliver to audiences that matter most.


Was able to change perceptions for the brand at a high level through our content, with key objectives of Finish being ‘synonymous with food and home cooking’ (+52%) and Finish being a ‘superior brand for dishwashing products’ (+33%).


Perception as a superior brand for dishwasher products



Purchase intent for Finish Ultimate Plus


Average perception of Finish synonymous with food and home cooking



Effectiveness in reaching dishwasher owners

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