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Mortgage Choice
Case Study

14% increase in brand recommendation.


Rise in recommendation


Rise in comms awareness

The Challenge

While awareness for Mortgage Choice was strong, the brand lacked relevance with younger homebuyers. In this competitive category, other firms had maintained a high share of voice, and the broking firm approached us to help relaunch Mortgage Choice in an impactful way to drive relevance with this audience

The Insight

We discovered that 85% of under 35s trust premium news brands over any other media source. That made News Corp Australia the perfect partner for Mortgage Choice. We found that many young homebuyers felt like “just a number” in the mortgage system – until they find a broker, at which point loyalty skyrockets. We had to capture them early in their journey.

The Idea
To amplify the brand’s message of You’re Never a Loan we let our audience know that Mortgage Choice is the rare broker actually invested in their success, treating them less like a number and more like a human. To do so, we created a formula to engage our audience across the News Corp Australia network.

Products Used

For this campaign we engaged this delivery execution:

The Stats

The campaign achieved significant lifts across the full brand funnel and Mortgage Choice brand perceptions, with a rise of 13% in Comms Awareness (23% exposed vs 10% unexposed), +9% in Consideration (43% exposed vs 35% unexposed) and a huge +14% in Recommendation, (30% exposed vs 16% unexposed).


Rise in comms awareness


Rise in recommendation


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