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Jack Daniel's
Case Study

43% increase for Jack Daniel’s unaided awareness.


Purchase Consideration of Tennessee Apple



for Jack Daniel’s
unaided Awareness 

The Challenge

In 2021, iconic whiskey brand Jack Daniel’s launched a new product, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple. A fresh spirit, set to compete in a crowded category. The brand approached us to connect with their young audience to reinforce exactly what Jack Daniel’s stands for to cut through the noise and recruit new drinkers.

The Insight

For young Australians, an “inertia of choice” pervades every aspect of modern life. They are more likely to turn on Friends for the 700th time than search for a new movie. We discovered the best solution is a friend who acts as an instigator: The one blowing up the group chat with ideas, potential plans and excitement.

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The Idea
Building on the existing Jack Daniel’s brand platform, Make it Count, we launched The Moment Makers: A showcase of Australia’s greatest social saviours, inspiring our audience to do things differently, and unearth new ways to drink Jack Daniel’s as they go.

Products Used

For this campaign we executed content and media using a range of solutions.



The Stats

The campaign achieved significant lift across the full brand funnel for the launch of Tennessee Apple: a lift of 43% for Jack Daniel’s Unaided Awareness (68% exposed v 25% unexposed) and +21% Purchase Consideration of Tennessee Apple (exposed 48% vs unexposed 27%).



for Jack Daniel’s
unaided Awareness 

jd - Jack-Daniels-Tennessee-Apple-Kampagne-2020.jpg


Purchase Consideration of Tennessee Apple

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